Service Times
Explosive Praying 8:00am
Transform U Class 8:30am
Sunday Worship 9:30am
Wednesday 7:00pm
Children and Teens Church during all services
Service Times
Explosive Praying 8:00am
Transform U Class 8:30am
Sunday Worship 9:30am
Wednesday 7:00pm
Children and Teens Church during all services

Men making a difference in our community and homes.

 The Men's Ministry at Life Changers Worship Center is looking for “more than a few” good men! We have a vision     of the men of our church stepping out of their comfort zones and linking up to become courageous spiritual       warriors in these critical times.  We are teaching men to live courageously for their faith and their families, while       challenging all men to become the man God created them to be. We have resources and opportunities to help you   become the spiritual leader of your household and a man of Godly influence in your daily life, and we have fun too!  Food, fellowship, and faith all go well together.  We have several Saturday morning events, a trip once each year to “the James Cabin”, and other events designed to bring you into close fellowship with real men of God.


Emphasis :
True Spiritual Leadership
Team Structure
Strong Biblical Content
True Spiritual Leadership


Events and Activities