Service Times
Explosive Praying 8:00am
Transform U Class 8:30am
Sunday Worship 9:30am
Wednesday 7:00pm
Children and Teens Church during all services
Service Times
Explosive Praying 8:00am
Transform U Class 8:30am
Sunday Worship 9:30am
Wednesday 7:00pm
Children and Teens Church during all services

 We assist local businesses and individual donors in fulfilling their objectives

by assisting deserving entities and individuals in need.

Feed Starving Children page1





Pastor Donise volunteers each year during The National Federation of the Blind State Convention.

Life Changers has two members who are distringuished officiants in the organization.

She also takes a team of Ministry of Helps to work with the United States Marine Corps Reserve

during their annual Toys for Tots Toy Drive.



Events and Activities